Combination Circuits


Q-Implement the parity generator (a) Even (b) Odd for 3-bit message Ans: (a) Following is the truth table and K-map for even parity a              b             c             P(even) 0              0             0             0 0              0              1             1 0              1              0             1 0              1              1             0 1              0              0              […]

Combination Circuits


Q-Implement the parity generator (a) Even (b) Odd for 4-bit message Ans: (a) Following is the truth table and K-map for even parity Binary number                  Parity (even) 0000                                       0 0001                                       1 0010                                       1 0011                                       0 0100                                       1 0101                                       0 0110                                       0 0111                                       1 1000                                       1 1001                                       0 1010 […]

Combination Circuits

Binary to Gray Code converter

In this circuit we’ll convert BINARY numbers to GRAY numbers. Following is the truth table for it: B3           B2          B1           B0           G3           G2          G1          G0 0.            0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0 1.            0             0             0              1 […]

Combination Circuits


It is a combinational circuit which selects one of the 2n input lines and transmits the information from that line to the output line. The selection of the input line depends upon the ‘n’ input selection lines. It is also called data selector and is also referred to by only MUX. Smallest MUX we have is 2 to 1 […]