Combination Circuits

Full subtractor

This has 3 inputs- 2 are the numbers to be subtracted and c is the borrow which is taken for previous bit and we have 2 outputs Difference and the Borrow. The following table shows the results for all combinations of inputs: a              b            c             B(borrow)          D(difference)= D = a – b – c […]

Combination Circuits

Half Subtractors

Similar to the adder, we can also design subtractors and we also have half and full subtractors. Half subtractor (HS): This circuit subtracts two bits and gives Borrow and Difference as 2 outputs. The following table shows the result for different combinations of inputs: a              b            B(borrow)           D(difference)= D = a – b 0              0              0                              […]

Combination Circuits

Carry look-ahead adder (CLA)

We know that Ci+1 is dependent on previous carry Ci as follow relation: Ci+1 =Ai Bi + Ai Ci +Bi Ci which can be written as Ci+1 = Gi + Pi Ci Gi is called carry generate function as it generates carry when Ai =1 & Bi =1 and Pi is called carry propagate function because it propagates the carry when we have Ai =1 or Bi =1. Using these […]

Combination Circuits

Binary Adder

In this adder we have 2 inputs of N-bit numbers and one output of N-bit number with a carry. We can achieve this either using Serial addition or Parallel addition Serial adder: This is the one which would accept bit by bit input of the n-bit numbers and there is a bit by bit output […]