Number System

Decimal to hexadecimal conversion

Decimal to Hexadecimal: following the same procedure Convert 26 decimal to hexadecimal: This method is also called Hex-dabble method. Convert 0.3875 to hexadecimal We can convert a fraction from a decimal to hexadecimal form by multiplying wit base and following the same procedure. Fraction is 0.3875 0.3875 * 16                          =6.2000                =6 + 0.2000         a-1=6 0.2000 * 16                          =3.2000                =3 […]

Number System

Decimal to Hexadecimal conversion

Following the same procedure as earlier Convert 26 decimal to hexadecimal: This method is also called Hex-dabble method. Convert 0.3875 to hexadecimal We can convert a fraction from a decimal to hexadecimal form by multiplying wit base and following the same procedure. Fraction is 0.3875 0.3875 * 16                          =6.2000                =6 + 0.2000         a-1=6 0.2000 * 16                          =3.2000                =3 […]