Combination Circuits


This digital circuit does exact opposite of the function of a decoder. It converts the information from 2 n to n lines. The truth table is: We can easily design the circuit diagram from this table. How ever if mistakenly we have ‘1’ at two of the inputs then we’ll have wrong answer from the circuit. But […]

Combination Circuits


It is a combinational circuit which receives 1-bit information and puts this information on the line which is selected by the binary input on the selection lines. This is different from decoder circuit as there is also an information line and we don’t have to put 1 every time on output (as in decoder) but […]

Combination Circuits


n to m decoder is the combinational circuit which convert binary information from n lines of input to m lines of output and m=<2 n. Let’s have an example of 3 to 8 decoder. This encoder just puts the 1 on the line which is equal to the decimal equivalent of binary number abc2 at the […]

Combination Circuits


Similarly we can have 2 bit comparator and the table to list all the combinations at input and their corresponding outputs is as: A             B             f (A>B)  f (A=B) f (A<B) 00           00           0              1              0 01           00           1              0              0 10           00           1              0              0 11           00           1              0              0 00           01           0              0              […]

Combination Circuits


Here we’ll be designing circuits to compare different binary numbers.  Suppose we have two numbers A & B at the input and 3 output as A>B, A=B, A<B and only one of the three outputs would be high accordingly if A is greater than or equal to or less than B. 1-bit comparator: Let’s begin with […]