Boolean Algebra

Consensus Theorem

Consensus theorem: Given a pair of terms for which a variable appears in one term and its compliment in the other term then consensus term is formed by ANDing the original terms together leaving out the selected variable and its compliment. e.g.        Find consensus term out of the two terms X.Y & X’.Z                 […]

Boolean Algebra

Boolean algebra laws

There are following laws in Boolean algebra: Associative Law: This law states that if we have 3 variables x, y, z then X*(Y*Z) = (X*Y)*Z Commutative Law: This law states that X*Y = Y*X Identity element: If e is the identity then we have the relation with the Boolean algebra e*x = x*e=x Hence 0 is identity for […]

Boolean Algebra

Logic Gates

Following are the basic logical operations which we can operate on binary variables: AND: This operation is represented by dot (.) If we two binary variables as x and y then we can represent AND operation by z=x.y and resultant of the operations is also a binary variable. Following table represents result of AND of every […]

Boolean Algebra

Binary Logic

Binary logic deals with variables which have two discrete values and those two values can be true or false, on or off, yes or no etc. But we think in terms of 1 & 0. Those variables are called binary variables. In digital circuits we represent the higher value by 3V to 5V and lower […]

Binary Code

Example 1: Hamming code & parity bit

Eg. So let’s form hamming code using 4-bit message bits 1101 with parity bits as even parity bit and check how it is able to detect and correct error. As we have already decided parity bit positions and their corresponding message bits for a 4-bit message For the moment we have hamming code as P1    P2    1 P3 1 […]

Binary Code

Parity bit relation with message bits

E.g.  Consider the parity bit P1 and we have to find the position of message bits which we’ll cover with this parity bit. Firstly write the binary equivalents of positions of message bit Bit1        bit2       bit3        bit4        bit5        bit6        bit7 Parity    parity                    parity P1                  P2             M1                P3           M2               M3          M4  001          010         011 […]

Binary Code

Hamming code

This code is used for single error correction i.e. using this code we can detect only single error. In parity bit method we used only single extra bit but in this method number of extra bits (which also are parity bits) vary with the number of bits of the message. Suppose we have the number […]