Sequential Circuits

Q8: MOD 8 Counter

Q-Implement a MOD-8 counter using Parallel-in Parallel-out register and Adder. Ans: We have a 3-bit register with two common inputs CLK & CLEAR for all 3 FFs. So we initiate the counter we clear all the FFs and then give clock.  Whenever count reaches 7 output of adder becomes 000 with carry 1 and carry is […]

Combination Circuits

Q8: Implement function using MUX & ADDER

Q- Design and implement the following logical functions with a combinational circuit (with A and B being 4-bit numbers): S1           S0           Output 0              0              A OR B 0              1              A AND B 1              0              A’ 1              1              A XOR B Ans:  The following circuit would give the required outputs:

Combination Circuits

Q7: Implement function using MUX & ADDER

Q- Design and implement the following with a combinational circuit (with A and B being 4-bit numbers): S2           S1           S0                           Output 0              0              0                              2A 0              0              1                              A plus B 0              1              0                              A plus B’ 0              1              1                              A minus 1 1              0              0                              2A + 1 1              0              1                              A plus B […]

Combination Circuits

Q6: Implement function using MUX & ADDER

Q- Design and implement the following with a combinational circuit (with A and B being 4-bit numbers): S1           S0                           Output 0              0                              A plus B 0              1                              left shift A 1              0                              A plus B plus 1 1              1                              2A + 1 Ans: We need one 4-bit parallel ADDER and MUX to implement the above. As […]