Sequential Circuits

Q8: MOD 8 Counter

Q-Implement a MOD-8 counter using Parallel-in Parallel-out register and Adder. Ans: We have a 3-bit register with two common inputs CLK & CLEAR for all 3 FFs. So we initiate the counter we clear all the FFs and then give clock.  Whenever count reaches 7 output of adder becomes 000 with carry 1 and carry is […]

Sequential Circuits

Q: Design custom ripple counter

Q- Design the ripple counter whose output sequence is represented by the following state diagram. Ans: As it is a 3-bit counter hence we firstly arrange 3 FFs and now we design the combinational circuit to reset the counter at appropriate point.  Q2         Q1          Q0                          OUTPUT 0              0              0                              0 0              0              1                              1 0              1              […]

Sequential Circuits

Ripple counter

We can attach more flip-flops to make larger counter. We just use more flip-flops in cascade and give output of first to the clock of 2nd and output of 2nd to clock of 3rd and so on. This way every flip-flop would divide frequency of the clock by 2 and hence we can obtain a divide by larger […]

Sequential Circuits

Ring counter

This is a special type of register in which 1 moves in the output in the ring i.e. initially output of 1st FF is 1. On next edge this 1 is transferred to output of 2nd FF while previous output becomes 0. Similarly on next clock output of 3rd FF becomes 1. Similarly it continuous till last FF […]

Sequential Circuits

Shift register

In this type of register value stored in the register can be either shifted to left or right depending upon the circuit as: PARALLEL IN PARALLEL OUT: This type of shift registers is already discussed above. SERIAL IN SERIAL OUT: Right shift: Here data is shifted by one bit from left to right with every clock […]