C language

POINTERS Illustration

The pointer, as the name suggests, is something which is pointing to or directing to something. The pointer is used to store the address of another variable and the data type of the pointer is same as data type of variable it is pointing to. As the variable which points to other variable is called […]

C language


Consider the following c statement: Int x=2; The above statement requests compiler to execute following steps: Reserve the required space (depending upon the data type and computer configuration) for the variable (randomly selected out of free memory pool) Assign i as name for that reserved space Store the integer value 2 in the reserved space […]


Main Memory Design

We generally have a standard memory chip available and we have to inter-connect several chips to obtain the specification of memory required for our system design. Suppose we have the following standard chip available: As it is a chip of 1024 (210) words with each word of 4 bits, so we require 10 address lines […]


Processor Memory

A Computer system can be classified into following groups: Internal memory Primary memory Secondary memory INTERNAL MEMORY refers to the registers of CPU which hold temporary results. These registers are very fast. PRIMARY MEMORY is the storage area where all the programs are executed. The CPU can directly access only those items that are stored in primary […]


Instruction Encoding

This topic is intended to make a better understanding of the microprocessor instructions which can very helpful during the course of an interview of any embedded company. In this topic we’ll see how instruction opcodes are decided and how they vary with no of instructions and instruction format. This a very easy topic and everyone […]



INTRODUCTION If Designers were only dependent on increasing the clock freq of the processor then CPU performance enhancement could have stalled years ago as laws of physics limit how fast a processor can run. Instead designers have focused on internal structure as well clock speeds to enhance the performance. Since the days of basic 8088 […]


Measuring Processor Performance

To measure the performance of the processor clock speed can not be the sole criteria. But yes with in the same family of microprocessors (i.e. with same internal architecture) we can compare clock speeds to check which is faster. As A 1.2 GHz Tualatin-core Pentium III, for example, is roughly 20% faster than a 1.0 […]



Q- What does a clock frequency mean which is mentioned in a processor configuration e.g.  1.7GHz processor? Ans: This clock frequency is the max clock frequency at which a processor can run. An instruction takes a fixed amount of clock cycles to execute a particular instruction. So higher is the clock frequency and lesser is the clock […]


Processor architecture types

CISC (COMPLEX INSTRUCTION SET COMPUTER): In this architecture complex instructions are used and hence each instruction does a lot of work but takes many clock cycles. E.g. 8086, 8088 RISC (REDUCED INSTRUCTION SET COMPUTER): In this architecture simple instructions are used and one instruction takes only one clock cycle for execution. It is a common misunderstanding […]



Modern processors have following internal components: Execution Unit: This unit processes the instructions. Bus Interface Unit: This unit interfaces with memory Primary cache: This is also called Level 1 or L1 cache. Primary cache is a small amount of very fast memory that allows the CPU to retrieve data immediately Branch predictor: This is used to predictabout the branch instructions. Floating […]