Sequential Circuits

Clock Skew

It is a phenomenon in which there is a difference between the times at which clock signal reaches different components in synchronous circuits. Or we can say that clock signal from clock circuitry reaches different components in the circuit at different times. e.g. If in the circuit given below, CLK signal reaches the two flip-flops at […]

Sequential Circuits

Shift register

In this type of register value stored in the register can be either shifted to left or right depending upon the circuit as: PARALLEL IN PARALLEL OUT: This type of shift registers is already discussed above. SERIAL IN SERIAL OUT: Right shift: Here data is shifted by one bit from left to right with every clock […]

Sequential Circuits


A register is a group of 1- bit memory cells. To make a N-bit register we need N 1-bit memory cells. Register with parallel load: We can represent a simple 4-bit register as: We can give the values to be stored at input and we get that value stored at the next clock pulse. But […]