Sequential Circuits

Ring counter

This is a special type of register in which 1 moves in the output in the ring i.e. initially output of 1st FF is 1. On next edge this 1 is transferred to output of 2nd FF while previous output becomes 0. Similarly on next clock output of 3rd FF becomes 1. Similarly it continuous till last FF […]

Sequential Circuits

Shift register

In this type of register value stored in the register can be either shifted to left or right depending upon the circuit as: PARALLEL IN PARALLEL OUT: This type of shift registers is already discussed above. SERIAL IN SERIAL OUT: Right shift: Here data is shifted by one bit from left to right with every clock […]

Sequential Circuits

Problem in Master Slave

We have a problem in master-slave flip-flops. Consider a RS Master-Slave Flip-flop and following waveforms are the expected output of RS flip-flop While when we actually give the above inputs to RS master-slave flip-flop, we get the following outputs And we see that at the 4th and 5th edge we have the wrong transitions.  Why so? Before […]

Sequential Circuits

Master slave Flip flop

We use 2 separate latches to construct a master-slave flip-flop. One latch acts as a Master and other acts as a Slave. Both are level triggered latches but one is latched on positive level and other on negative level.  Diagram of the RS master-slave flip-flop is as: First latch acts as a master and 2nd latch acts as […]